Paxman engines
K.W Engineering Services Ltd has a rich history with the Paxman engines brand and have been supporting them for over 40 years. Our founding Engineer did his apprenticeship in the Colchester factory in 1981 and has been working on these engines ever since.
Over the years we have carried out just about every job on every engine model that this brand has to offer and we have learned all there is to know about the running and maintaining of each engine in every application they feature. Our service department has traveled the globe carrying out complete engine overhauls, conversions, commissioning, component replacement, fault diagnosis and much more.
Our workshop in East Bergholt is tried and tested when it comes to engine building and component overhauls. We have previously built multiple RPH, YJ (Ventura) and RP200 (Valenta) engines for our customers including carrying out the necessary conversions to make sure they meet each customers specific requirements.
We also have a large independent stock of Paxman spares and engines most of which are available to order in new, used and re-conditioned form.